Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Seth and Amy's 1st Mission Trip TOGETHER

Hi Friends!

As yall know, Seth and I have the distinct privilege of leading the youth at Cornerstone Community Church. Our youth group “Carry the Cross Ministries” has been given the opportunity to be a part in changing the lives of many people through missions.  We will join with a team of other youth from all over South Carolina to help reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year we are traveling to the Dominican Republic to work and help with Street Programs, Community Service, Sidewalk Sunday School, Church Programs, Rebuilding, and Painting a church, and School Assemblies. Although the Dominican is a popular destination for vacationers, many people continue to live in poverty throughout the country.  The Dominican Republic is a truly a place who’s people need to be touched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The vision and purpose behind this trip is to help fulfill the Great Commission by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 I am asking for your assistance in 2 areas:

First, agree with us in prayer.  Prayer is the whole force behind this mission that will cause it to happen.  We believe in praying like it all depends on God, and working like it all depends on us.  Second, we would ask you to consider making a contribution to help cover the expenses of our trip.  Each day in the Dominican will cost us about $190 each.  I am asking you to consider purchasing a day or part of a day for this trip. (This amount also reflects airfare.)

1 Day $190 ½ Day $95 ¼ Day $48

We have still have $900 total to raise before May 18th.

The dates of our trip are June 12th – June 19th.  Could I please count on you to be one of my “partners”?  If so, please simply write a check payable to Amy DuVall, with AIMS trip in the memo line. I will glady share my address with you in a private message or a text message. Seth and I would be more than willing to pick up your check or cash and bring you a letter for your taxes.

Thank you so much for considering to be a part of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through this opportunity.  Your help will enable us to minister to those in great need.  May God bless you for your faithfulness and compassion for reaching the lost.

Living to make Jesus famous,

Seth and Amy DuVall

***All of your donations are tax deductible. You will receive a letter for your records.

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