Let me also begin by saying, I started decorating for fall September 1st. I was so ready for this season!

October 1st kicks off our month with the birthday of my precious niece, Caroline Grace! We celebrated with her at a Mexican dinner fiesta! She keeps reminding us that next year she will be in the double digits. Time please slow down....
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Together We Shine :) |
On October 5th, my mama and I woke up super early, like 4:30 am early to go to the Stars Hallow Birthday Celebration at local coffee shops around the country. The one closest to us was in Columbia. Local coffee shops around the states transformed into Luke's for the day and it was a fun morning with my mama to celebrate our love for our favorite TV show, Gilmore Girls. We drank coffee out of a Luke's cup, was served by a Luke look alike and met some super interesting people. The only reason we were able to do this on a weekday was due to our day off of school for Hurricane Matthew that was approaching. I am thankful for the little things that make moments into huge memories!
As the next days approached, we got news about Hurricane Matthew an that it was quickly approaching Charleston and Myrtle Beach! Our schools got notified that we would be out of school for the next 3 days to possibly used as shelters for evacuees, (Wednesday Thursday, and Friday)! We got even more exciting news later that our sweet friends that are Youth Pastors at First Assembly from Charleston would be coming to stay with us due to the storm. I was a nervous wreck, even though I was super excited. Why a wreck, you ask? Because we have never had house guests, our home is full of unfinished projects between Seth and I, Marley sheds, and I just am a nervous person in general. I was worried the house wasn't clean enough, cute enough, or welcoming enough. However, I should have known not to worry, because these friends that came weren't just friends they were FRAMILY. (Friends that become family). They weren't concerned with the dust or the amount of things needed painting, they were there and were by far the coolest house guests I think anyone could ever have. Check out my sweet friend Julie's Blog to read about everything we did that week!
The following week as we returned back to school, I got super sick with a horrible stomach virus and had to miss school for a day and half. I hate missing school, because I hate creating work for a substitute to use. However, it was in those two days that I was able to see how blessed I am at school. My 5th grade team checked on me, my super awesome amazing teacher aides ran the class smoothly, and even the parents of my kiddos were checking in. I was very thankful for such a sweet group of people that Lord has surrounded me with.
Later in October, we went to an amazing event in Rock Hill called, Helloween. we took some of our college and career age students! It was an amazing time that rocked me to the core. It was a live "play" type thing that you walked through. You walked through all of these situations in which a person died, and at the time of death you either saw a demon come or an angel. After you walked through all of the different scenes, you got to visit the throne room in Heaven. Let me tell you, I seriously felt like I was in one of the most anointed places that I have ever experienced. It was like I was really looking at Jesus and hearing the words from His lips. Unfortunately, you don't get to stay there forever like we will get to do one day. In this walk through, you must also go visit Hell. When I say Hell, it truly felt like one of the most intense things I have ever experienced. The guy playing Satan was our youth pastor friend, but it didn't even seem like it was him. It felt so gut wrenching and real. I couldn't hold back the tears! Lives were being thrown into this eternal place of hate and horrible torture. Those lives in the play symbolized real people with real problems. At the end of the night, everyone was given the opportunity to rededicate their lives to the Lord. We had two in our group that chose to do so! YAY!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
While October was full of love and laughter, one particular day I was filled with total heartbreak as I was I shopping in Hamrick's. I made a Facebook post about it that read like this:
"Oh little mama, I see you. I see you for the seventh time asking your little boy to quit getting under the clothes racks. I see you sighing in embarrassment as you had to raise your voice, I see you scrounging fast to get the last thing you need, I see you trying to hold up those jeans to see which pair will fit your daughter this coming fall, while she's in the buggy crying because she just spilt an entire ChickFila honey mustard sauce on her adorable monogrammed shirt. I see you.
The Wednesday Night before Halloween we had game night at church! The kids had a blast and the youth were awesome helpers! We played games like the Mummy Relay, the Pumpkin Smash Mash and much more! We love celebrating Fall and the fellowship it brings!
Later in October, we went to an amazing event in Rock Hill called, Helloween. we took some of our college and career age students! It was an amazing time that rocked me to the core. It was a live "play" type thing that you walked through. You walked through all of these situations in which a person died, and at the time of death you either saw a demon come or an angel. After you walked through all of the different scenes, you got to visit the throne room in Heaven. Let me tell you, I seriously felt like I was in one of the most anointed places that I have ever experienced. It was like I was really looking at Jesus and hearing the words from His lips. Unfortunately, you don't get to stay there forever like we will get to do one day. In this walk through, you must also go visit Hell. When I say Hell, it truly felt like one of the most intense things I have ever experienced. The guy playing Satan was our youth pastor friend, but it didn't even seem like it was him. It felt so gut wrenching and real. I couldn't hold back the tears! Lives were being thrown into this eternal place of hate and horrible torture. Those lives in the play symbolized real people with real problems. At the end of the night, everyone was given the opportunity to rededicate their lives to the Lord. We had two in our group that chose to do so! YAY!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
October was also full of lots of Cheerleading games for this little Sassy Pants. She has done an amazing job learning new cheers, making new friends, and always making us laugh out on the field!
While October was full of love and laughter, one particular day I was filled with total heartbreak as I was I shopping in Hamrick's. I made a Facebook post about it that read like this:
"Oh little mama, I see you. I see you for the seventh time asking your little boy to quit getting under the clothes racks. I see you sighing in embarrassment as you had to raise your voice, I see you scrounging fast to get the last thing you need, I see you trying to hold up those jeans to see which pair will fit your daughter this coming fall, while she's in the buggy crying because she just spilt an entire ChickFila honey mustard sauce on her adorable monogrammed shirt. I see you.
I see you looking at me with my "empty" buggy, except for my purse in the seat where a child "should" be. I see you smile and push back the tears as you say, "wouldn't it be nice?!", as you nod at my buggy. I see you, as I smile and push back my tears and say "your kids are precious and beautiful". I see you.
But did you see me? I wasn't judging you, I wasn't annoyed with you, I wasn't even upset with you, I was just looking at you and admiring the person you are. A mom. I saw something that I long to be one day.
I see you sister, I see you. You will make it. This too shall pass. They won't be that little forever, and some women will never know the love, joy, frustration, or stress you feel....so know sweet lady, I saw you, Jesus sees you. I believe in you, because God chose you!"
At the time I felt like I had been punched in the stomach on this particular day, but after many encouraging Facebook posts from sweet friends, I was reminded that God sees me and He sees this season and is walking through it with us. He already knows the outcome of the season and the one that will follow.
October gave us lots of fun times at church as we led into Halloween and I decided to start a new bible study with some precious ladies, and also gave us some sweet little family time.
October also allowed us to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my best friend's baby! She did an awesome job on his Mickey Farm Party! We love him to pieces!
Seth was given the opportunity to speak at JET Middle School's Fellowship of Christian Athletes Event! It was awesome to be a part of an event where kids take time out of there day to take time for Jesus! They were some of the most kindest, well mannered, loving kids we have met! We truly enjoyed going there! I always love hearing my husband give his Testimony! He always conveys the Gospel in an amazing, compassionate, real way.
October 21st is two special friends of ours birthdays, so every year we try and do some type of little special dinner. This year we made it to TBonz with some of our college and career kids to celebrate and it was nothing short of eventful. Between stealing ice-cream and brownies from each other waiting hours (or so it seemed) for food, we had a great night celebrating Casey and Lauren!
Every year we always go to the fair with my sister in law, her husband, and six kiddos! It's ALWAYS such a blast and this year was no different. We ran into so many people we knew and got to enjoy the company of so many of our family and friends. The fair is the epitome of Fall to me.
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The Twins! |
During this same week, I also had Red Ribbon Week going on at school. (which means that we had different Spirit Days every day) My favorite day this year was Team Day and 50's day!

The Saturday before Halloween is always the Jackolatern Jubilee in Downtown North Augusta,
so I spent some time down there watching Caroline Grace do Jazzersize and have lunch with my good friends! It was a good day! That night we had girl's night at church! We painted pumpkins, jammed out to Taylor Swift, and of course ate Chickfila! It was a great night!!! We spent a lot of time just enjoying each other and laughing at all the silly moments we have had through the years together.
The next day was October 30th, which was our annual Trunk or Treat! This event turned out a BAZILLION times better than I ever imagined it would! We had so many trunk or treaters with their families. We had so many people volunteer to do trunks. It turned out so wonderful. I love being apart of something that is all about leading people to Jesus. This was an outreach the was designed to show our community some love, some Jesus, and just plain fun! Seth and I always try and do a fun costume and this year we really enjoyed it! Our outfits the last 3 years have came from the Goodwill. I love finding outfits and that don't cost a fortune from a Halloween store, this year we played Shaggy and Velma from Scooby Doo. I even managed to find Marley a Scooby outfit for $3 at Goodwill also!

Halloween Day was super crazy as well! We had our Character Day at school. Our 5th Grade Team decided to be the Magic School Bus Cast. We had a huge character parade with the whole school. The kids and teachers loved it. It made the day something special at school and honestly wasn't as chaotic as I thought it would be with all the excitement of the day!
On Halloween Day, our church also had the opportunity to go visit the Children's Hospital! My mom rents out costumes for parties and events, and she allowed us to take them with us to the hospital! This was one of the sweetest, but saddest days I have ever been a part of. These kids were so precious as they looked at Minnie and Mickey with such joy and happiness. We loved every bit of it! There were so many children and families who just looked so happy to be out of their hospital rooms and "trick or treat" with candy and small prizes. I am always reminded how truly blessed I am and the kids in my life are. We take so much for granted and I loved that we were able to play a small part in putting a smile on their face for the day.
Halloween night, my little Presley called (okay really her mom, Lindsay called) and asked me if I wanted to go trick or treating with her and Presley! So, of course I did! It was so surreal going trick or treating in the neighborhood where Lindsay and I always went trick or treating with our cousins. :( It made me so sad, but happy to see Lindsay carrying on the tradition with her little.
October was a fun month! It was slammed busy, but it was fun and full of memory making! That's what Seth and I are all about: Making Memories and Telling People About Jesus! :)
Living to make Jesus famous,
Seth and Amy DuVall
so I spent some time down there watching Caroline Grace do Jazzersize and have lunch with my good friends! It was a good day! That night we had girl's night at church! We painted pumpkins, jammed out to Taylor Swift, and of course ate Chickfila! It was a great night!!! We spent a lot of time just enjoying each other and laughing at all the silly moments we have had through the years together.
The next day was October 30th, which was our annual Trunk or Treat! This event turned out a BAZILLION times better than I ever imagined it would! We had so many trunk or treaters with their families. We had so many people volunteer to do trunks. It turned out so wonderful. I love being apart of something that is all about leading people to Jesus. This was an outreach the was designed to show our community some love, some Jesus, and just plain fun! Seth and I always try and do a fun costume and this year we really enjoyed it! Our outfits the last 3 years have came from the Goodwill. I love finding outfits and that don't cost a fortune from a Halloween store, this year we played Shaggy and Velma from Scooby Doo. I even managed to find Marley a Scooby outfit for $3 at Goodwill also!

Halloween Day was super crazy as well! We had our Character Day at school. Our 5th Grade Team decided to be the Magic School Bus Cast. We had a huge character parade with the whole school. The kids and teachers loved it. It made the day something special at school and honestly wasn't as chaotic as I thought it would be with all the excitement of the day!
On Halloween Day, our church also had the opportunity to go visit the Children's Hospital! My mom rents out costumes for parties and events, and she allowed us to take them with us to the hospital! This was one of the sweetest, but saddest days I have ever been a part of. These kids were so precious as they looked at Minnie and Mickey with such joy and happiness. We loved every bit of it! There were so many children and families who just looked so happy to be out of their hospital rooms and "trick or treat" with candy and small prizes. I am always reminded how truly blessed I am and the kids in my life are. We take so much for granted and I loved that we were able to play a small part in putting a smile on their face for the day.
October was a fun month! It was slammed busy, but it was fun and full of memory making! That's what Seth and I are all about: Making Memories and Telling People About Jesus! :)
Adios October, Hello November! We hope you enjoyed Fall with DuValls!
Living to make Jesus famous,
Seth and Amy DuVall