Happy March Friends!
Wow! Can you believe it is March already? It seems like just last night we were hosting the Youth New Year's Eve party!! Time flies when you're having fun and dealing with crazyNESS! However, through it all we serve A GOOD, GOOD FATHER who loves us through all of our hot messes. :)
What has your March looked like? Have you been crazy busy? Have you been taking it easy? Have you been trying something new? Have you stayed in your comfort zone? Have you felt defeated? Have you felt a sense of victory? Have you felt the hits of allergy season? Have you been soaring in your career? or Have you been feeling like you are falling behind? Do you feel surrounded by those you love? or do you feel alone?
No matter what you are feeling, just know that there is a God. He is real. He is GOOD. He is FOR YOU, NOT AGAINST YOU. He cares for you! The things that have been going on your life are not unnoticed by God. He sees you. He is still pursuing YOU. He knows the desires of your heart.
There is an enemy out there that has a target on you, but there is a GOD who sent His SON FOR YOU to protect you and promises you a life and a life lived more abundantly! We will have trial, but we can know in all of this that JESUS too knows trials and has conquered them ALL. You have the victory in Him. Pursue Him. Reach out to Him. Pick up your cross and JUST MARCH ON. This too shall pass, friends. We will make it. He is working all things together for Your good.
Did you realize that Easter was in March? I had no idea until the end of February. I feel like we are losing some of our celebration time of Easter, so side-note I plan on leaving my decorations up for all of spring. :) I love Easter. It is my favorite holiday! We are so blessed to be able to celebrate our RISEN SAVIOR and are given an opportunity to reach out to so many people by sharing the GOOD NEWS that JESUS IS ALIVE! <3
Happy March FRIENDS! We Love You Guys! How can we pray for you this month?
Living to Make Jesus Famous,
Seth and Amy DuVall